Joshua Alexander French

      About Me      


I made my first guitar in 1997, at the age of 18. That year I completed two luthier certification courses and moved to Houston, TX the following year to take over a guitar repair shop for a major musical instrument retailer.  During this time I also completed an apprenticeship with Jim Hewett making steel string guitars. 

In 2001 I was privileged to be able to travel to Sigüenza, Spain, to participate in the Romanillos guitar making course, which took place in the now defunct Monastery of the Hermanos Maristas. That course was an inflection point that shifted my focus toward making traditional classical guitars, which I pursued until 2008, before embarking on a different career path.  Today I continue to make guitars on a limited basis. 

My main areas of focus as a maker have always mainly revolved around Torres and Romanillos style instruments. More recently, in 2023, I traveled to Austria to learn a previously unknown method of guitar construction that Santos Hernández often employed from Tobias Braun. I wrote about my experience at Guitarreria Ottenschlag in American Lutherie #151 (the journal of the Guild of American Luthiers). Tobias also wrote about the special solera of Santos Hernández in the same issue.